Concerning net zero:


Agile Advisors as a Net Zero, More Sanitized and Healthier A further advantage of Air Canada's route to net zero greenhouse gas emissions may be healthier, cleaner air. A recent analysis found that achieving a net zero future may result in an 88% reduction in artificial particulate matter, one of the most harmful air pollutants, with an annual benefit to society's health of roughly $7 billion. Achieving zero greenhouse gas emissions can save lives and enhance our air quality. Furthermore, the benefits of reducing air pollution primarily depend on whether we reach net zero rather than how we do it. Canada’s Net Zero Future, new research from the Institute, outlines many strategies for achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Although the report's primary focus was on the many energy and technology solutions that Canada might use to meet its climate change obligations, it also examined the implications of a net zero future for our air quality. These problems need careful thought, full involvement, and workable answers.

We believe as a Net Zero Consultancy, air pollution results from the same fuels and human activities that cause climate change. The analysis focuses on particulate matter emissions, which are among the air contaminants most harmful to human health. Prolonged exposure to particle matter is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, cardiovascular illness, lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and early death. It raises the number of hospital stays, ER visits, time missed from work and school, and days when being outside is dangerous. Those with pre-existing medical conditions, children, and older people are most affected. Our findings demonstrate the strong correlation between particulate matter exposure and CO2 emissions. If net zero pathways are followed, particle matter might reduce the annual cost of society's health from $8.3 billion in 2015 to between $0.7 billion and $1.7 billion by 2050. However, governments and the private sector must work together globally, adopt standardized methods for estimating emissions, and reduce emissions.

Agile Advisors as a Net Zero Carbon, the findings also indicate several routes to net zero through which these enormous health advantages occur. Particulate matter emissions can be almost eliminated when hydrogen and solar or wind power most of Canada's energy system (the lower bound). Significant reductions in air pollution are also feasible in a future energy system based on fossil fuels and negative emissions technologies; however, stricter ambient air and emissions standards and substantial technological advancements for cleaner and less polluting combustion (the upper bound) would be necessary to achieve these health benefits. Notably, these figures provide a partial picture of air pollution in a future with net zero emissions. In certain situations, climate change may exacerbate air pollution even when total emissions of particulate matter caused by humans decrease. More than half of the electricity produced in countries like Denmark and Germany these days comes from renewable sources, demonstrating their ability to diversify their energy sources successfully.

To help you as Net Zero, as we have seen in the previous wildfire seasons on Canada's West Coast, climate change may lead to more frequent and intense wildfires, resulting in more significant and harmful amounts of particulate matter exposure. Increased temperatures can alter and intensify one's exposure to particulate matter emissions and other pollutants, including smog development. Our research did not include non-combustion sources of particulate matter and how these missions interact with a changing climate. The advantages of cleaner air vary from province to province and from various sources. The sheer volume of people breathing better air will benefit big cities the most. However, millions more Canadians live with air pollution, making it more than just a problem in large cities. These realities include environmental justice, poverty, equity, fairness, and the necessity of international cooperation.

Agile Advisors as a Net Zero Consultancy, because their populations are more excellent and they live closer to significant sources of pollution, Québec and Ontario will benefit the most in absolute terms. In summary, society's health will benefit more since more individuals will be less exposed to air pollution. Greening the transportation industry in major cities would be the primary way that pollution in these provinces would decrease. The most significant advantage would be switching heavy-duty cars to non-emitting energy sources like electrification or hydrogen. They are setting goals based on science. Scientific-based targets are essential for developing emissions reduction objectives that are consistent with the Paris Agreement and adhere to the principles established by climate science. This diversification increases stability and flexibility while reducing reliance on fossil fuels.





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